3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat

3 creepy ghost stories. The box had been cut, The man with the creepy face, Hoyt hat.

ghost stories
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com

#1 Ghost stories - The box had been cut.

I believe it was a Tuesday if not, a Monday. It was fairly early into the night around 8:00 o'clock. It was slow as Tuesdays usually are and we didn't do anything that day. We all hung out at home and did whatever. A thunderstorm was rolling in quickly, and It had hit just about 20 minutes later. Late-night thunderstorms arent something that seems to happen often, but it happened. It hung around like storms usually do. It started off as expected with lightning striking our house, or at least the fuse box and the power went out. My dad was getting ready for work, and after a couple of minutes went to check it out.
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com
What happened next is absolutely indescribable. My dad was out there longer than normal, longer than expected. Now, my dad is an enormous dude, and he was then too. Seeing him come in the house frantically and scared for his life astonished me. He came in and tried to tell my mom quietly and calmly that the box had been cut. I had overheard this conversation and I didn't understand why this freaked my dad out so much. But the words kept running through my stupid little brain and then I finally caught on. My stomach almost dropped as I finally understood that one word.
The box had been cut. Tampered with. It wasn't even burnt this time, so we must've mistaken us being hit with lightning. Needless to say, he did not go to work that night. He instead watched over us. I and my little brother both slept in our parent's room that night. This is where my memory cuts off because I slept for the rest of that night, but according to my parents, the story didn't stop there. Our landline rang and an unknown voice came over saying he would slit my throat and hang me off our porch for everyone to see.
My parents both say he then let out the most terrifying stomach-churning laugh that will scar them for life. We then called the police. I wish I could tell you why we hadn't called the police before this, but we didn't. My dad thought he could protect us just fine. The police came to our house after about 20 minutes considering we lived in a very rural area, not many in Florida, but they exist. The only trace the guy left behind were muddy footprints. The footprints were outside, but the oddest part about them is that they were nowhere in particular.
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com
This psychotic fuck was circling our house for no apparent reason in the rain. Usually, there would be signs of break-ins or the prints would lead to a particular window, but this guy circled our house over and over. The footprints were overlapping each other and we know because the prints looked almost stacked.How he got our number or even a phone I have no idea. Now the next part is absolutely surreal to me.
The police went into the house to check the fuse box. Keep in mind our only phones at the time was a landline and my dads damaged the phone. When police entered our house they noticed the landline had been fu#king cut. I could not make up this shit if I actually wanted to. The motherfu#ker was in our house for god knows how long. The only comforting thing is that he could not have been in our house the entire night because of the footprints.*While we were outside the fu#ker took presumably the knife he wanted to murder me with and cut the fu#king line on our landline when we were talking to the police.
The Police found no footprints inside the house that morning so I honestly have no idea how this person got into our house and I'm willing to bet they didn't either. Despite this, the police searched our entire house that late night/ early morning, and they patrolled the surrounding area for a month at least, in search of the guy. We left Florida shortly after so we don't know how long they searched for. I would only presume it was for the month that we stayed in Florida while moving.
They found absolutely no trace of the man. But luckily, he left us alone for good. I am now a 22-year-old man absolutely terrified of thunderstorms and rainstorms. The reason I tell this story is because I didn't know anything past the fuse box being cut. I didn't know he wanted to kill me or that he was in our house to cut the landline. I didn't learn until about 2 years ago when I was 20 and it recently resurfaced in my memory. I don't think any lessons can be learned from this other than there are some fucked up people in this world.
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com

#2 Ghost Stories - The man with the creepy face

So this happened July 14th 2016.I, my sister, and my brother's friend went to this abandoned house in my old neighbourhood to do a photoshoot. My brother's friend is a photographer and wanted some pictures for his Instagram so we went to the abandoned house we would always pass by while driving. There was an old mattress in the backyard, an animal skull under their front porch, dead animals all around the house, and so much more creepy shit.
There was a cornfield right next to the house so we decided to take some pictures near there. As we were taking pictures I look to my left and see a man with suspenders and a hat sitting in a carriage with no top on it. I can't explain what it looked like but I'm gonna assume it was a carriage. He's facing the other way so his back is towards us. My sister and my brother's friend just brush it off and take some pictures of the cornfield.
I was very curious to see who this was so I walk a little closer to the man and he just slowly turns his head and stares at me with a blank face for the longest time. I start to feel a little freaked out by the fact that he's just sitting there staring at us not even moving at all. We all get a little freaked out and start to walk back to the way we came from. As we're walking back we hear the loudest gunshot I have ever heard in my entire life. We all ran for our fucking lives.
So fast that I could have tripped any moment.30 seconds pass of us running and we finally stop and take a minute to process what the fu#k just happened. The gunshot was so loud and clear. It sounded like it was inches away from us. We take a second to breathe because all of us were out of breath. As I'm processing what just happened I turn around and see the man bolting towards us. My heart drops and we instantly run faster than we've ever run.
I was so out of breath I felt like I was going to pass out any minute. I wanted to stop to take a second to breathe but we couldn't. The man was still sprinting towards us. After what felt like an hour of running we finally stopped. The man was nowhere to be seen. We felt so relieved and sat down. Then we realized we didn't even recognize where we were. We were lost. We had run so far that we didn't even know where we were.
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com
As we were walking down the road we found a gas station and decided to stop there to get something to eat. We walked in and we all went different ways in the store and grabbed some stuff. We were still sweating and breathing super heavily so the girl at the cash register asked us what was wrong. We told her the whole story, bought our stuff and went outside to the back of the store and sat down to eat our stuff.
The lady came outside with a cigarette and told us that the man's wife had died of a heart-attack a few years ago and that he's extremely depressed and has some mental issues. She said that he tries to kill anyone who steps foot on his property. She then said that he comes into her store to buy cigarettes and gives her nasty looks every time. We all looked at each other shocked at the fact that if we hadn't run fast enough, we could have been killed. We were eventually able to call someone to pick us up, said bye to the lady and got home safely.

#3 Ghost stories - Hoyt hat

I live in a more rural area in New Jersey, surrounded by farms. At the time, I was a 15-year-old girl in her second year of High School. There, I was a member of our school's debate team. Once a year, we would have themed debate events where other schools come to our school during the weekend. Well, I was chosen to wear a costume, which was a medieval dress. My dad was going to bring me to school, but we stopped at a gas station for something to eat for breakfast.
While we were waiting in line, I saw a man getting out of an old green to pick up truck and come in. He had a long, straggly white beard and wore a trucker hat that said, Hoyt. He grabbed a snack and stood behind us in line. I didn't think of it until I heard him whisper close to my ear, I like your hair, it smells pretty. My dad didn't hear him but just turned around giving a simple nod to him while I stared forward, creeped out by what I heard. We bought the snacks and got to the car.
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com
It was then that I told my dad what I heard. He didn't think anything of it until we saw the guy inside, almost glaring straight at us in the car. We left and I pushed it into the back of my head... This was until a few weeks later. I was waiting for the bus to school, not even thinking about the event suddenly, slowly driving by the house was a rusted green pick up truck...And before it sped away, the window rolled down a bit, and I spotted the word Houston the man's hat.
How the man found out where we lived, I have absolutely no idea. I almost ran inside, but the bus came a few moments after, so I went to school, almost in tears. The rest of the school year passed without another sighting of him, and I was happy for summer vacation to begin. The last day of school, I had the choice of going out or staying home to watch the dogs. Wanting to relax, I stayed home with the three dogs. They were running outside while I was playing my Xbox 360. I didn't want to deal with them inside since they were always so energetic.
It was about 9 pm when my dog, rocky began barking aggressively, followed by the other two. I was about to step out, but I stopped myself and looked out the door. Doing that was probably the smartest thing I ever did because at the gate, was the all too familiar white beard and the hat with Hoyt clearly printed on it. The dogs were jumping at the fence and snapping at the man, stopping him from opening the gate. I locked the door, beginning to cry.
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com
I was afraid of what the guy could do to our dogs, but I knew I had to call the cops first. It took them about 5 minutes to get to the house, but by the time they were there, the man was gone. I gave my report as they contacted my parents and searched the yard. I became sick to my stomach when they reported to me and my parents that they found a roll of duct tape and a pocket knife at the back gate. I still think about what could've happened if the dogs weren't outside to warn me about the man.
The man never returned and was never caught. After that incident, I'm now a college student in Florida, in my Junior year. Our school security always drives around the apartments, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. However, even after about half a decade and 1000 miles distance, I still get nervous whenever I'm here alone, thinking that Ill once again I'll see the white beard and that all to familiar Hoyt hat...
3 creepy ghost stories | The cut box, creepy face, Hoyt hat www.theinfobeast.com

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